International Journal of Management and Economics Invention ISSN: 2395-7220

DOI: 10.47191/IJMEI, Impact Factor: 8.473

Submission Open for Vol. 10 Issue 09 Sept.-2024

Submission Deadline: 25th September

Online Submission: Click here

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IJMEI Journal  is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international journal publishing original and high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in Management and Economics. IJMEI is an open access journal that publishes papers submitted in English. The journal aims to give its contribution for enhancement of research studies and be a recognized forum attracting authors and audiences from both the academic and industrial communities interested in state-of-the art research activities in management and economics invention and applied science areas, which cover topics including (but not limited to): Management, international economics, economic development, financial economics, international political economy, transition economies, economic policy, monetary and fiscal policy decision-making, pricing and risk of financial instruments, advances in financial econometrics and statistics.

The IJMEI Journals International Journals of management and economics invention, international peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes research articles, review articles short communications and book reviews from academicians and business-persons, our  aims publish articles of high quality dealing with issues which impacts national and global scientific research scholars.

Accepted papers are available freely with online full-text content upon receiving the final versions, and will be indexed at major academic databases. 


Submission Deadline



Published By: Research and Analysis Journals

Volume Number: 10,  Frequency: 12 issues per year

Last Date of Submission for SEPTEMBER Issue: 25 September 2024

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