Assessment of Agroclimatological Information Needs of Selected Arable Crop Farmers (Maize and Cassava Farmers) in Akinyele and Egbeda Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria

Agroclimatology, Information needs, Arable crop farmers


  • AJAYI F.O. Department of Agricultural Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Osun State College of Education, PMB 207, Ila-Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria. 234-8063197059
  • OWOLABI, ` K.E. Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure. PMB 604 Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 234-8065091530
  • TOMORI R.O. Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure. PMB 604 Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 234-7035867636
March 24, 2018


The study assessed the agroclimatological information needs of selected arable crop farmers in Akinyele and Egbeda Local Governments areas of Oyo State. Using a multi- stage sampling techniques, a total of 90 respondents was sampled. Findings showed that 82% of the farmers were male and 44.4% were within the age range of 40-59 years. Respondents indicates that fluctuation in rainfall has high effects on their farming activities (mean = 3.51) and increase in disease and pest infestation (mean = 3.36). The respondents indicates that they need information on agroclimatology. They perceived agroclimatology information as creating awareness for better practices (mean = 4.54), improved crop yield (mean= 4.29) and determine the type of crop to grow at a particular time (mean = 4.29). They indicate that majority of their sources of information are from extension agent 60% and also that extension agent disseminate information on climatic variables (96.2%). There was no significant relationship between all their socio-economic characteristics(sex, age, marital status, religion, education level, primary and secondary occupation, farm size, family size and farming experience) and the effect of climate change on their farming activities. Also, there is no significant relationship between the agroclimatological information needs of the respondents and the effects of climate change on their farming activities. It is recommended that adequate information on agroclimatology should be provided to improve the farmer’s productivityand also government should make funds available to the farmers.