Legal Certainty on The Implementation of Death Criminal Decisions that have Permanent Law Power in Indonesia (A Review of the Death Criminal Decision on Narcotics in 2014-2018)

Legal Certainty, Decision, Death Penalty


November 1, 2021


The principle of legal certainty applied to the principle of extra ordinary crime is contrary to the respect for humanity as the most fundamental human rights principle and the principle of legality is associated with positive law and international conventions. The results of this study are intended to seek or find arguments for the certainty of the execution of the death penalty for the community, family, convicts and the state, so that the research on death penalty decisions in narcotics cases that occurred from 2014 to 2018. This research method is included in normative juridical law research. The conclusion is, sentencing with the threat of the death penalty can still be applied in Indonesia in narcotics crime cases is appropriate. Therefore, the death penalty, of course, state law does not conflict with religious law/teachings, in other words, the death penalty does not conflict with the first precepts because the first principle of Pancasila is Belief in One God, which means based on the beliefs/religions of each person who in carrying out/believes His religion is also guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which is contained in Article 28 E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 29 paragraph (2).