Inter Institutional Roles to Provision Non Clasical Raw Water on Village Level (Case on Bendungan Village, in Ciawi Sub-Districts, Bogor District)

human resources quality, infrastructure, sosialisation


  • Agus Susanto PhD student of Environmental and Natural Resource Management, Bogor Agricultural University
  • M. Yanuar J. Purwanto Lecture, Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University
  • Bambang Pramudya Professor, Department of Agricultural Industry Technology, Bogor Agricultural University
  • Etty Riani Lecture, Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Bogor Agricultural University
April 28, 2018


Based on water balance analysis in Ciliwung Hulu watershed, it shows that Ciseuseupan sub watershed belongs to vulnerable water category. Of the 8 villages in the Ciseuseupan sub watershed, there is a Bendungan village that is most vulnerable in the provision of raw water, because in the provision of raw water is still dependent on natural reliability such as rivers, springs, wells, and others. This research discusses water vulnerability solutions at the village level, with a non classical approach. The method used is ISM ((Interpretatif Structural Model),with emphasis on 4 (four) elements to be structured in relation to the provision of raw water ie: (1) needs of the program, (2) the main obstacle, (3) purpose program, and (4) institutions involved in program implementation. Therefore, it is required an independent water provision expert, involving various parties. The purpose of this research is to build an institutional role model in the provision of non classical raw water. The results show that: to realize a new paradigm in the provision of non-classical raw water, the main constraint is quality of human resources (village officials, communities, and NGOs), which must be resolved  first, so that they can participate jointly together to build the infrastructure by adequate socialization.