Perception and New Labor Situation of The Graduates of the Program in Study

Satisfaction, Education, students of cohort, positive poll.


  • Óscar ROJAS CARRASCO Ph.D en Economía y Finanzas, Magister en Educación. MBA, Ingeniero Comercial. Académico de la Escuela de Ingeniería Comercial, Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile Universidad
  • Natalie MUÑOZ MORALES Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile.
  • Víctor VELOSO SALAZAR Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile.
  • José FARÍAS VERDUGO Académico Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago, Chile
  • Nicolas Barrientos Oradini Magíster en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública , Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación, Director de Investigación, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes.
  • Adrián Pereira Santana Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Master en Dirección y Organización de Empresas, Doctor en Comunicación, Director de Magister y Postitulos a Distancia , Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Francisco Calderon Pujadas Magíster en Educación con Mención en Gestión de Calidad, Doctorando en Educación Mención Gestión Educativa, Académico, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
April 28, 2018


The objective of the present study is to know the level of satisfaction of the graduated students of the program of studies of Professional Magister in Education with Mention in Management of Quality of the university under study. The project was applied to the students graduated during the period 2010 - 2014 through an annual survey conducted to 82 graduates, who gave their opinion regarding their satisfaction with the study program, in addition to referring to their employment situation current and as a change after completing this study, for example your salary and employability.

The method used is the application of a positive poll, which consists of a series of questions, which can be answered with an "YES" or "NO", and then get the percentage of each, an average is drawn with the answers giving the final percentage of each question.

In general, the satisfaction with the program averages 93.48%, which concludes the university under study that is doing things well and that only has to try to polish some details that will be described more clearly in the present investigation, given that the percentage of satisfaction has been decreasing in recent years, with a clear trend and not easy to reverse if the appropriate measures are not taken in the correct times, highlighting that in the first year in which the survey is the one with the highest percentage, of 98.46% and henceforth with a pronounced downward trend.

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