Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from hexane:benzene:acetone (1:1:1) leave extracts of Pithecellobium dulce leaves

Pithecellobium dulce, leave extract,TLC, NMR and IR- Spectroscopy.


  • Shweta Sharma Department of chemistry and biochemistry,Vikram University, Ujjain, (M.P.) India
  • B. K. Mehta Department of chemistry and biochemistry, Vikram University, Ujjain, (M.P.) India
January 20, 2017


Objective: The present study describes the isolation and characterization of valuable secondary metabolites from the leave of Pithecellobium dulce (P. dulce).
Methods: The dried leaves of P. dulce were collected, dried, grinded and extracted in soxhlet extractor with hexane: benzene: acetone (1:1:1). The same was subjected to qualitative TLC analysis and finally the isolated compounds were identified using IR, 1HNMR, 13C NMR, Mass spectroscopy15 techniques.
Results: The result of the present investigation showed that the compound 2-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-3-[α-Lrhamnopyranosyl-( 1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy]-4H-chromen-4-one was obtained which is recognized as rutin in methanol fraction. Its melting point is 315-320 OC. Its molecular formula and weight is C27H30O16.
Conclusion: The obtained leave extract is rich source of rutin which is having strong antioxidant power and can be used for
medicinal purpose.