Assessment of Self-Confidence Levels in Adolescents in Terms of Certain Variables

Student, Adolescent, Self-Confidence, Self-Confidence Level, Self, Self-Esteem, Self-Sufficiency


January 3, 2017


The purpose of this study is to examine the self-confidence levels in adolescents in terms of certain variables. While the population consisted of adolescents who were aged between 13 and 18 and were studying in İstanbul, the sample of the study consisted of 200 high school students (93 male and 107 female). Comparative rational screening model was used in the study. Self-Confidence Scale developed by Akın (2007) to examine the self-confidence levels of adolescents was used in the data collection. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency reliability coefficient of the scale was found as 88. „t test‟ and variant analysis were used in the assessment of the data collected. It was determined that sex, satisfaction from physical appearance, age and academic success were influential on the self-confidence levels of the adolescents while attitudes of parents and income levels did not have impacts on the self-confidence levels.