Quality Indicators for Learning a Culture of Security - UNSDG 4, 9, 17

culture of security, higher order thinking, sustainable development.


  • Shirley Mo-ching YEUNG Director, Centre for Business/ Social Sustainability and Innovations (BBSI), Head, Gratia Business School, Associate Professor, Gratia Christian College (GCC)/ Secretary General, World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners (WISDP), UNESCO HK Association Hong Kong


Security culture for peace is a hot topic in organizations for sustainable development, with the aim of protecting staff, information and environment from dangers. In this paper, we review documents in united nations, for example UNSDGs, UNPRME, UNCHR, ISO 18788:2015, ISO 26000 and ISO 9001 for the key dimensions in establishing a culture of security for staff development in organizations and faculty development in higher education (HE) institutions. The objective was to identify the key quality indicators in a checklist that was proposed to establish a culture of security for sustainable lifestyle with peace and innovations with research technology capabilities within and outside organizations and HEs.  The proposed quality indicators are expected to draw the attention of policy makers, education and SMEs to the importance of establishing a culture of security with higher order thinking skills for peace, for protection from dangers, and for a better world ultimately.