Opportunistic Behaviour and Asymmetric Information Lead to Climate Catastrophe

Abrupt climate change theory, COP21 Treaty, Hawking irreversibility. Coordination failure, social modeling collective action



The climate change theory has not only been more and more confirmed. But it has also been given a more radical formulation. The abrupt climate change theory not only shortens the time of arrival of dismal consequences for living organisms but also strengthens the risks and hazards for mankind considerably. There is no policy response from the UNFCCC or the UNCP, or any other responsible political body like G20. Why? Because we all know the global state coordination will fail in relation to global warming. The COPs are just gaming. The COP21 project is already bypassed by real developments in the Arctic, i.e. meltdown and methane release, with no recognition of feedback lopes. Its tempo of the goal of decarbonisation is too slow and open to the flaw of all coordination, namely defection.