The determination and diagnosis of the competitive spectrum dimensions: the contemporary perspective of hybrid strategiesAn analytical study of the views of a sample of managers in telecommunications companies In the city of Kirkuk - Iraq

Competitive Spectrum perspective – Competitive Strategies - Hybrid Strategy– Value Network - Responsiveness


  • Dr.Younis M. Kh. Al Sabaawe 1Dept. of business administration, College of Administration & Economic,University of Human Development
  • Daroon F. Abdulla 2PhD student , Dept. of Business Management, College of Administration and Economics ,University of Sulaimani


The purpose of this research is to discover and highlight the possibility of identifying and diagnosing the dimensions of " competitive spectrum perspective (CSP)” to express the vision from different perspectives of the feasibility of competitive strategies from one side, and to describe the strategy hybrid amended, which combines among competitive strategies (cost leadership, differentiation and responsiveness instead of focusing strategy) from another. Competitive Spectrum (CS), as a new strategic perspective to deal with the competitive strategies, is based on innovative work methods, and describes the possibility of achieving harmony required to keep up with the growing and constant changes in a competitive environment. It is interpreted through the explication of natural harmony of the basic primary colors according to Newton's theory of the three colors (Blue, Green, and Red), to reach a balanced, dynamic, appropriate, compatible “competitive spectrum” with all the requirements of the competition environment. The perspectives of the notion and practicality of the current research depend on a new philosophical concept which simulates the implications of competitive strategies which aims at achieving the best value of contents of competitive advantage, and embodying the possibility of adopting the developments

in terms of strategic thought, which is seen as a fundamental pillar for the adoption of the combination among competitive strategies within the structure of business processes. This study was conducted in mobile telecommunications sector in the city of Kirkuk / Iraq. A Mix Method was applied in this research and the data was collected using unstructured interviews of a random sample of managers, and a questionnaire, which included 20 questions, was distributed on a random selection which reflects the contents of competitive strategies. This was in order to identify the most important dimensions which contribute to framing the spectrum of competitive contents. The data has been analyzed using statistical analysis methods (factor analysis, Chi-Square, F- test and T- test). The research reached a set of conclusions. One of them is the possibility of adopting the perspective of strategic dimensions to describe "the competitive spectrum" perspective to express the combination strategic dimensions including cost leadership, differentiation and responsiveness, as an alternative strategic and a crucial option to face with the changes in the dynamic competitive environment, and expressing the regularity of the three strategic dimensions and functional compatibility, within the framework which embodies the natural harmony of the basic primary colors (blue-cost leadership, green -differentiation , red- responsiveness), which leads to a dynamic and balanced competitive spectrum compatible with the requirements of change in the competitive standards. Based on the conclusions, some recommendations have been suggested which are related to the increase of managers‟ awareness in the contents of competitive spectrum perspective in order to take a privileged position among the contemporary competition strategies, and promote the benefits of the experiences of countries and companies in this area.